5 financial moves to make after getting a raise

NNatalie September 27, 2023 7:02 AM

Getting a raise is always a cause for celebration. It means your hard work has paid off and it's time to reap the rewards. But how you manage that extra money can make a significant difference in your financial future. Here are five key financial moves to make after getting a raise.

1. Review your budget

A raise often means more disposable income, which can lead to lifestyle inflation if not monitored. Take time to review and adjust your budget based on your new income. Ensure your budget is flexible enough to accommodate changes while keeping your financial goals in priority.

2. Boost your emergency fund

An emergency fund is a financial safety net that can cover unexpected expenses, such as job loss, medical emergencies, or sudden repairs. Use part of your raise to bolster this fund. The general rule of thumb is to have three to six months' worth of living expenses in your emergency fund.

3. Pay off debts

If you have any outstanding debts, now might be the time to pay them off or at least reduce them. Start by targeting high-interest debts, like credit card bills, as they can eat into your savings over time.

4. Invest in your future

Look at investment options that will give you a good return in the long run. This could be a retirement account, real estate, or the stock market. An investment can help multiply your wealth over time.

5. Treat yourself

Lastly, don't forget to celebrate your achievement by treating yourself. Setting aside a portion of your raise for personal enjoyment can prevent burnout and keep you motivated.

Strategy Benefits
Review your budget Keeps finances in check, prevents overspending
Boost emergency fund Provides financial security in case of emergencies
Pay off debts Reduces financial stress, improves credit score
Invest in your future Builds wealth over time
Treat yourself Rewards hard work, prevents burnout

Remember, a raise means you have more financial power, but it's how you wield it that matters. By being proactive and making smart decisions, you can ensure your raise works hard for you, not the other way around.

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